Sunday 5 June 2011

Birthday Red Fruits Charlotte - 6.8.2011

Berry Charlotte

This's the first recipe i wanted to make from the book "Sucre" from Laduree since i purchased it almost a year ago. It's one of the cutest photos from the book... although some of them dont look that great, im sure they taste very good. For my brother's birthday, I needed to make a cake thats visually stunning so i would be able to get several good shots out of it! I know he wont be able to eat it, but at least i could send him the cute pictures... and eat it for him!! hehehehe.... so i think of the charlotte cake, its such a cute name for a cake! Its two days of work!
In Day 1, I made the ladyfingers from the basic recipe, the book stated to double the amount so i ended up with too many ladyfingers. Maybe I didnt need to double it as one portion made plenty already, but they freeze well in the freezer. So they will appear in my next Tiramisu. After pipping out the fingers, they "merged" into one piece... i suppose it didnt really matter that much. In fact, im glad that they did as they were easier to handle and wrap around the centre as one big piece.


Different to what the book says is that I didnt line the fingers inside the ring and then pour the cream/mousse. I made the mousse centre in day 1 and then wrap it with fingers in day 2.. hoping that it would give a neater looking resut.... which it did i think!! hohohoho

Charlotte cake base toped with raspberry

The circle base was topped with a few raspberries, then the raspberry mousse was poured into the ring. I had enough cake sponge to make a big (14cm) and two (6cm) little ones (plus plenty more ladyfingers). I didnt make the cream base as in the book, i thought the raspberry mousse would taste and look better!! The mousse rings were then left in the fridge over night to set.

Day 2, i was too excited to finish the cake that i got up so early in the morning. That took me a while to trim the fingers so that they fit perfectly to each mousse cake. It was easy enough to do and i was very pleased with their looks. The fingers stayed good in place so it was easy to tie the ribbons around them.

Charlotte ...  to be

Then topped up with the berries.....

Summer Berry Charlotte

Summer Berry Charlotte

Its not a difficult cake to make but it needs some organisation for the steps. I've packed the cake with lots of love and wishes, hoping that it brings lots of happiness to those who eat it and those who cant eat it but get to see it. I really think that its such a happy cake to look at! Love them all! xx